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Bass Cemetery - Real Birmingham Haunted Place

  • Bass Cemetery Road
  • Birmingham, AL
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Bass Cemetery is believed to be between 150 and 200 years old, with the first known grave in yard belonging to Burwell Bass, a Revolutionary War soldier who died in 1831. It is also the final resting place of Montezuma Goodwin, a farmer who was shot and killed by his brother-in-law in 1904, as well as Civil War soldiers and slaves from the area. No one seems to know exactly who is haunting Bass Cemetery, but visitors say they have heard screams and felt an inexplicable uneasiness while on its grounds. Some investigators have taken photos which showed floating orbs and mists.
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  • Confederate Soldier

    In the fall of 1987, my older brother and I (as well as another friend and three females) went to Bass Cemetery on a Saturday night to drink and hang out for a little while. As we got out of our vehicles, we noticed another vehicle on the property as well as a shirtless red neck walking out of an open crypt (above ground) near the front of the cemetery. Needless to say, we didn’t want any issues so we got in our vehicles and left. The following morning, my brother (now deceased) realized he had dropped his asthma inhaler when we were trying to leave the cemetery. We skipped Sunday school that morning and drove back to the cemetery to retrieve it. Sure enough, we pulled into the same area we parked the night before and it was laying on the ground so he picked it up and we started to leave. As we began to pull out of the entrance (onto Ruffner Road) we both see a guy wearing a confederate soldier uniform carrying a “nap sack” on a stick over his left shoulder. He looked directly at us and continued walking in the high grass across the road from us. Still remember this incident vividly…he had red hair (also wearing the infantry cap) and a red beard. The wind began blowing as we were pulling out and we couldn’t see his legs below the knees. At the same time we both said what is he doing here, as there were no re-enactments in the area and it is mostly industrial. We continued on to Church and talked about it again afterwards. A few years before my brother passed away, we talked about it again and the memory was just as vivid as years before.

    Posted 8/29/24

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  • Halloween 1987 Bass Cemetery Irondale

    We decided to go on Halloween...5 friends and I got there around 11:15pm. The cemetery was in a lot better shape than it is now. There was a small mausoleum in the middle of the grounds. We were in our early 20's and decided to climb up on top and light a candle. We were going to wait til midnight. We were talking and then there was this big bang in the distance. This was the sound of trains hitching up cars, it was so appropriate for the experience, Then, as if someone turned on a smoke machine, Fog just started rolling in. It consumed the whole area. I started to feel uncomfortable and a little scared. Again we heard the sound of cars connecting in the distance. Then I saw them!! Red eyes in those woods... i did a second glance and asked my friend, "do you see what i see!" He replied, "What?" Then I pointed and everyone saw not just two eyes but numerous tiny red lights moving and getting larger. Instantaneously we jumped down and ran to our cars! I rolled down my window and they were gone! This wasn't terrifying but left us all wondering... what was these! I went back with my oldest daughter to find this place desecrated. I have only had one other experience like this one and it was at "Death Mask" Nebo cemetery.

    Posted 4/18/24

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  • Scary Halloween night

    We went there during Halloween when I was a senior in High School in 1974. We walked around and could hear whispers we think it may have been hobos down near the track. When we got in our car the power steeringbelt broke it took 2people pulling on the steering wheel to get out. I have never been back. Overall rating scary.

    Posted 7/11/23

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  • Bass isn’t the only game in town

    There is another cemetery, unlike Bass it sits in a culdesac, in neighborhood just off the montevallo exit off I-20. It’s not big about the same square footage as your average garden home. Be warned, it is in a residential neighborhood. If you’re going to check it out, keep that in mind and be respectful.

    Posted 7/3/23

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  • Hit and miss

    I’ve live Irondale, grew up here. I’ve been to Bass Cemetery scads of times. Before I go into my accounts, I’m disgusted with what vandals have done in recent years. The desecration that has been over the years makes me sick to my stomach. My favorite memories, I was with friends, we split up, I went to the west side of the property. I got startled when I saw two people running along the fence line, that just on the other side was 10’ drop off down to the railroad tracks. I called out that I wasn’t the cops, just here to walk around and I’m here with friends. No matter they shot outta there really quickly. As I walked up to where I saw them, maybe see which way they may have gone. I got to where they were, then it hit me all the dry leaves they would have had to run thru, but they didn’t make a sound.

    Posted 7/3/23

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Went alone

    I've been here a couple of times mostly I go by myself at around midnight its very weird pulling up on the place it feels like people are standing on the path to the graveyard just staring you down it takes me about 5 minutes to get out of the car ive gotten awesome evps from here never saw any like shadows or nothing I've always had a pretty good experience with this place.

    Posted 11/29/21

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  • Ehhh

    As a paranormal investigator, I saw minimal activity. I may try returning at night. Not discounting the fact that it is haunted, because it most definitely is.

    Posted 5/19/21

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Sickness

    Went there with my adopted little sister, a friend of mine and one of his friends about 25 years ago. It was Halloween night. We started walking down the road into the cemetery since they close the gate at night at that time. The further and further we walked, the darker and darker it got even though we had flashlights. I started feeling sick to my stomach and my little sister started having issues breathing. We walked around the outside on the road that circles the graves and I could see shadow figures and thats when I threw up. I could also feel people touching me when no one was. My friend had to help me out of there while his friend tried to get my little sister out. It was like she was frozen in fear but never told me what. I still want to go back there again and see if it happens and take pictures.

    Posted 5/19/20

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    3 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Strange Child

    i was here and i was making a haunted youtube video and we was playing a scary game and i saw a strange child in a black dress like a funerale dress so i looked at my friends and they said they saw nothing, i walked over to the littlt girl and say "im so sorry for your loss" she lokks back at me and says "my mommy died" i felt so bad so i walked away 16 or 17 minutes later she came up to me and tried to choke me and said "you-you killed my mommy" right after that i left. also my friend lives right beside that cemetery and she said that this little girl bangs on her window every night..... ever since i went there my house was haunted so dont go there plz dont!

    Posted 4/1/20

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    1 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • Tall Man

    Probably over ten years ago, went there on the. Week of Halloween with my girlfriend, best friend, and sister. We walked around a while and looked at the tombstones. They started playing with a oaeji board on the trunk of my sisters car. They were just having innocent fun. I was leaning up against the car just staring at the tree line. I was facing the moonlight. In the woods, I saw the tall man. He walked just from one tree to another. His stride was about six or eight feet. I made everyone get in the car immediately and didn’t tell them until we were half way home. I’ve never been back. If you have seen him, my email is giantdropper@gmail.com Would like to know I’m not alone.

    Posted 11/11/18

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/16/2016 (3357 days ago)

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