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Burgundy Drive - Real Adamsville Haunt

  • Burgundy Drive
  • Adamsville, AL
Burgundy Drive, which bisects the communities of Shady Grove and Indian Meadows, appears to be the epicenter for haunted activity in both communities. The road is built on what was once a Cherokee burial ground, and a variety of paranormal happenings are said to occur in the area. Residents have reported ghostly figures that run by their houses at night, and hearing phantom voices calling their names. Electrical appliances often turn off or on of their own accord, doors slam shut on their own, and apparitions have been spotted within houses as well. Some locals have also awoken to find strange claw marks outside their homes. In the nearby forest, visitors sometimes see shadowy figures moving about, sometimes even following them. When they try to approach the figures, however, the phantoms vanish and there is no sign of them having ever been there.
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  • Grew up on dogwood lane

    I grew up in Shady Grove and right off Burgandy Dr. is a road called Dogwood Lane and I can attest to all this. I remember feeling like someone was constantly following you and not to mention the sound of people in the woods. There wasn't one family member who didn't have an experience and I thoroughly believe it was the cause of a few deaths in the family. I have so many Moreno stories but not enough characters or space on this box.

    Posted 5/25/18

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    I lived here from middle school through high school, 318 Burgundy Drive. Was always in the woods, walked to the bus stop, the only interesting thing there was when the older hot blond stopped to give me a ride to school. Maybe the ghosts where shy.....

    Posted 10/23/17

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,224
Last edit to this listing: 2/1/2016 (3324 days ago)

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