Consolation Church - Real Red Level Haunted Place

- Red Level, AL
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- (6 reviews)
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- Real Haunted Cemeteries, Real Haunted Places
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One time I went with my step mom my 2 brothers and my sister I didn’t get out because I’m stupid but not that stupid and when they got out I was watching and my brother realized that one of the graves moved and bashed in and when I was in the car I saw a little boy with a ball I knew exactly who it was and my sister said she saw a little girl roaming around we all saw what looked like a motorcycle light but there were no roads there so we think it was probably some spirit stuff after they got to the car we saw some glowing red eyes and so we left but when we started the car we noticed it wouldn’t move and there were small child like hand prints so if your really looking for a jointed experience this is your place.
Posted 10/14/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
Paranormal Activity???
Long story short, my husband and I took our friend out here, to visit his family plot, upon arrival our flashlight went out and they were brand new batteries our headlights started to flicker and I felt something go straight through me. We only stayed long enough for him to visit. Roughly about 30 to 45 minutes. After all said and done we went back home, and I noticed that I had 3 scratches on the front of my stomach as well as 3 on my back. As well as the same markings on my husband.
Posted 10/23/231 out of 1 found this review helpful
never been
How true is all this, any hard facts or footage or this activity at this church, I have heard stories of this place but never been
Posted 1/27/232 out of 2 found this review helpful
Fun place sits off in the woods
Ive been here 3 times any every time ive experienced Paranormal activity the first time I went was with one of my friend and his wife me and my friend got out we his wife stayed in the car cause she was pregnant plus shes psyche and had a bad feeling so me and my friend brandon walked to the grave yard at first we didnt hear anything then we started hearing drums and marching which makes since being that people have seen confederate soldiers so we decide to take the video camera out we seen something with red eyes stareing out us through the widow so we decide to go back to the car when we got back there was handprints all over the car and the dog we had with us was going crazy and Ashley which is brandons wife said something was banging on the car so we left the second time we went pull into the the drive way and then all of sudden something with glowing red eyes started rushing full sprint at the vehicle so we noped the heck out of there and as we where running from it a old truck started chasing now Theres a rumor that if the truck catchs you you vehicle will wreck and everyone in it will die so Brandon punches it and we end up out driveing it it kept up all the way to the paved road then just stopped it wouldn't go past it we looked trying to see who was driveing but no one was in the truck the third time we went we see people stareing at us from the woods but they never did anything but anyway I would highly recommend it it can be a very creepy experience
Posted 11/30/214 out of 4 found this review helpful
March 2010
First, this place is WAYYY back in the woods. Only dirt roads to get there. No one lives in the area that I know of, so it is pitch black, no street lights, etc. I went here with a group of 5. It was almost midnight, and we parked with our headlights facing the graveyard which is infront of the church. I did not get out of the car because my sister in law said she got locked out of her car the last time she went. My sister, her gf, and our cousin got out with a small les flash light to look around the cemetery. I turned around to talk to my sister in law in the back seat and i started seeing a flashing light right behind the church. It was pure white, and only went from the ground to maybe 10 feet up the back of the church. We had no cameras, and i could still see my sister and the others at the very back of the graveyard. The light flashed/pulsed and i could t do anything but stare at it. Next thing i know, my sister in law is screaming and my sister and cousin her outside the car beating on the windows (the doors were locked but we DID NOT lock them). As they get into the car they were freaking out because as they had started walking back toward the car they saw what looked like a tall dark figure bent over with its hands cupped around its face like it was trying to look into the driver window. They truly thought someone was there trying to mess with me and my sister in law. Of course i was too busy staring out the back window at the flashing light... my sister in law didnt see anything!!
Posted 10/21/206 out of 6 found this review helpful
Hi my name is Danielle im 22 years old . im sadly not a paranormal expert.... but i thank of myself as a researcher im very smart and have a high school degree . im very fascinated by hellhounds and wen i herd the story i wonted to get premise to come out and see the hound's for my self .... i promise in not looking for trubble ... i just wont to use these place in my documentary . im making ... Hellhounds from myth to reality . so please reply back to me . i just don't wont to get in trubble . to be honest you wore the only graveyard i found with hellhound sighting's
Posted 2/1/172 out of 14 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 1/15/2016 (3361 days ago)