Cry Baby Hollow Bridge - Real Haunts in Hartselle AL

- Kayo Road
- Hartselle, AL
- Average Review
- (19 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
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- Indian Mound Park13.6 miles away
- Woodland Hospital23.7 miles away
- Cedarhurst Mansion26.6 miles away
- Dead Children's Playground at Maple Hill Cemetery27.4 miles away
- Belle Mont43.3 miles away
- Albertville Public Library45.1 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesExtremely spooky
I've been here a few times, I went for the first time about 6 years ago, and over the next year or so I went maybe 3 or 4 times. The thing someone else said about the truck is real, on my second visit we stopped at the bridge, turned our car off and sat for a few minutes. We had been there around an hour, as we had stopped a few times to sit in the woods. After it being dead silent for awhile, we hear this roaring engine coming from down the road. This road is not the type you'd want to be flying down, and there's a pretty sharp turn near the end where the bridge is at, so it's quite dangerous to go more than 20 around there. But then we saw the headlights, and it was coming seemingly straight for us. I cranked my car up and took off, and it was nearly touching my bumper as I sped up the road, which turns very steep very fast. It was terrifying, and kept me away from the place for a good while. The other times we had went, we heard strange things through the radio, saw what we thought to be a ghost train (I know there is a railroad but the train appeared to be translucent), and heard weird things in the woods. Just yesterday I decided to go back for the first time in years with some friends who had never been. We turned our radio to a blank AM station and started our trip. Unfortunately we went the backwards way, where you go through the mansion neighborhood and get to the bridge first. (I do not recommend going this way, but if you do, go all the way through to the end and turn around so you can sit on the bridge and have an quicker exit.) We made our way through the road, stopped at a rock with the word "PREY" painted on it in red. Stopped at a few of the non haunted bridges, and then got past the railroad and turned around. Up to this point there hadn't been much activity, and I was worried we would leave with nothing to talk about, but when we got back to the bridge and turned the car off, it got weird. First it got quiet, it was a windy night so the sound of blowing leaves and creaking trees had been normal, but now all was silent. The only thing that could be heard was the faint gusts of wind and the bubbling of the creek below. Then, to our right side, we heard what sounded like rustling leaves. Not a big deal, there's plenty of animals in these woods, but then it sounded like it was getting closer... and it sounded like... a two legged creature. And then it got quicker, and I started the car and got the hell out of there. I did not want to stick around to find out what it was. But yeah very spooky place, I recommend taking your time going down the road because it's not super long.
Posted 2/1/25Creepy
Me and my friends like to come here a lot. We think it is funny but also very terrifying. I always get an earry feeling coming here. My beta friends mom has this boyfriend that says when he was young, 2 girls that he knew passed on the train tracks close to the bridge. Now there is a story that if you put your car in neutral on the bridge, they will push you off so you don’t get killed like they did. I’m not sure if that is true or not but I have another story. Every time I come there I get chased out by a truck or car. They always go really fast down the road but it’s always the second time you go like if you were putting a candy bar on the bridge and came back to check on it, the car would chase you out. We are going tonight and I will put out an update of what happens. A friend went one time and said that they found a baby toy on the bridge and a diaper was under there truck when they went to eat dinner after going to the bridge. This story is seriously freaky and I hope everyone stays safe. Also last time I went I saw a black truck parked beside the bridge on the turn before going on it. Not sure what that’s about but maybe it won’t be there tonight!
Posted 1/20/25There is evil there no doubt!
I didn't understand why some people are flat out lying in lots of these stories but the one thing i know to be true about this area is that u will most certainly feel the evil energy! There used to be a house in one of the curves off in the field with 666 in it. There was a cult that was sacrificing animals and I've heard rumor even humans there back in the 80s and 90s so that would b where the evil feelings are coming from but i don't know much about what the cult was about other than doing sacrifices, i remember the house and the stories going on back when i was a little girl my parents talking about staying away from that area that there was bad things happening around there but never told me. As far as the bridge goes, i used to have to go thru that area and down kayo rd which is the rd the bridge is on, everyday. My paper route i run had me cutting thru as it ran from Hartselle to Flint and I've never experienced anything other than just being spooked when we would ever get out the vehicle to test the theories i had been told by the darkness and animals just being around, never anything "haunted" about it happened. People taking about hearing a train, well considering there is a train track that runs right thru that area would be why. Used to go fishing by the tracks and taped down coins to flatten them. I never felt any peace in that area so it's all weirdly spooky to me there! I had friends from my school days that lived close by, all in the Flint area talking about their homes being haunted or seeing people at their windows it end of their beds every night. Idk about u but i wouldn't ever be sleeping if i was seeing people standing at the end of my bed!!
Posted 5/20/240 out of 1 found this review helpful
Don't go
I stayed with some friends I hadn't seen a while, they wanted to go to this bridge in the middle of the night. I took my tiny Bible bc I'm not into this haunted stuff. My best friend's fiance got out, left a candy bar on the bridge. We drove up and came back it was gone. They wanted to do this baby powder thing on the car, we did. While we checked for handprints, we heard a loud screeching scream. Got in the car and left immediately. When we got to their house and in bed, I heard them scream, their bedroom lights started flickering. We all laughed and dismissed it. A month later he was home alone and died in that bedroom. Idk why, but I keep thinking about how into this haunted stuff he was and that bridge.
Posted 2/19/241 out of 4 found this review helpful
Creepy dude
When I was younger my mom , dad and aunts use to always talk about crybaby holler and they would tell me stories about it, and one day they ended up taking me and my brother there late at night and they grown up went out and left Candy where they was supposed to put it and I remember me and my aunt was talking and I look out the window and seen weird creepy thing ( it had no hair fr patches of hair, I didn’t see no eyes, and sharp longish teeth) . It was there for like a minute and left after
Posted 11/7/231 out of 1 found this review helpful
Candy Bar
A friend and I left a candy bar, with one half unwrapped, on the bridge, we went down the road, turned around and when we retrieved the candy bar, there was a perfect bite mark with some of the candy gone. There were no teeth marks. The screams some heard could have been mine. We couldn't get out of there fast enough. I've never been back!!
Posted 10/23/23Candy Bar Disappeared
We went tonight and opened a candy bar and set it on the corner of the bridge. We drove down a little bit and came back and the candy was gone. It was nowhere to be found. It was quiet, no noises whatsoever. None. Dead quiet.
Posted 10/22/23Scream in the middle of the woods
My 2 friends and I were walking down the trail by the bridge in the middle of the night and during our walk we heard a really loud human like scream coming from in the woods and we started running like hell. It was only a single scream and idk why a girl would be out in the woods in the pitch black darkness, or if someone was being hurt why they’d just scream once and not say help or anything. Happened a few years ago but I never forgot about it.
Posted 4/18/219 out of 9 found this review helpful
Goosebumps - Halloween 2020 / Blue Moon Did Not Disappoint !!
Posted 11/1/201 out of 1 found this review helpful
Baby Doll
My friends and I go here 1-2 times a week for fun. I’ve always believed that my mind was siking me out until this past weekend. We went on friday after our school football game and saw a babydoll lying on the side of the bride. My friends got out and got the babydoll to scare us, then one of my friends threw the babydoll into the water under the bride. We went back two days later and the babydoll was back laying there on the side of the bridge.
Posted 9/22/206 out of 7 found this review helpful
weird noises like an owl
me an my friends wher going at the bridge nothing happend to our car but... my friends were goofing off and left me and my friend thomas at the bridge than all of a sudden we wher walking away and heard owl noises than we wher like ok than there wher two i was getting worried than we heard like monkey noises and screaching and we ran like he11.
Posted 9/4/202 out of 8 found this review helpful
i never been
i have never been to the bridge but i have heard of it and saw pictures and i am watch a video of a guy doing it
Posted 8/27/200 out of 27 found this review helpful
Me and my mom wondered what was down a random road so we went down and it turned out to be Cry-Baby Hollow we didn't even know it was Cry-Baby Hollow till we passed the bridge and nothing happened but we had fun.
Posted 7/20/203 out of 7 found this review helpful
Research on area of Crybaby Hollow
Okay, so the last thing anyone wants to hear is research I did once for a school project on local myths. There is an element in the legend around the railroad crossing. The claim is that if you put your car in neutral on the tracks, an invisible force will push your car off the tracks. Now, I can't stress how dangerous that is in the first place, especially since the catalyst for these elements of the legend was a real and terrible tragedy. In the 90's, 2 teens lost their lives at the railroad intersection when their vehicle collided with an oncoming train. The accident was at no fault of their own. The county did not have a crossing light put in place to warn traffic of oncoming trains, and that cost them their lives. I ask for people to please be safe and respectful of the area because of this tragedy. The only reason why the signal was put in was to prevent another collision from happening again. Thank you for reading this.
Posted 6/10/2012 out of 18 found this review helpful
Train Sounds
Me and two friends were driving over the bridge at Crybaby Hollow just to see what all the hype was about. The first time we went over it, we felt our jeep shaking more than it should of been. We went down the road but decided to turn around and drive over the bridge again. The front windows on both sides were rolled down halfway. Before we could turn the corner to the bridge, we heard the noises of a train coming near us. It got louder by the second as if it was getting closer. When we realized there was no train or train track at that area, we sped off over the bridge and the car shook even more. As soon as we rolled up the windows, the noises instantly stopped. I have driven this bridge before and had strange things happen but nothing quite like this.
Posted 5/21/208 out of 9 found this review helpful
Creepy af
Got out of the car and took 3 steps towards the bridge and I hear a weird ass screech. Yeah I took off
Posted 5/18/206 out of 7 found this review helpful
I used to live at the end of cry baby hollow and there's definitely something evil happened there, because as a little girl my parents would take the road home and I would make sure my window was rolled up and door locked and mom always asked why I did it and I would tell her that I don't feel safe on that road unless my window was up and door locked... And after a few years my mom decided to move due to my nightmares.. when I would go to sleep It seemed like I would be standing in a fielded/wooded area to the right not far from the bridge and in front of me would be a cabin, a black metal barrel, and a woman holding a baby.. as they would stand there this evil man would appear out of nowhere and as he reached for the infant he would turn into Satan and I never could stay asleep long enough to find out what might happen next cause I would wake up screaming and crying begging pleading for it not to be real.. I never slept never my bedroom window cause I felt like the devil would come through my window and get me because of the nightmares.. after a few months we finally moved back to my grandma's and i never did have them dreams again.. so something very evil must have happened long ago
Posted 4/11/2010 out of 11 found this review helpful
Not for the faint of heart.
I am primarily an empath. I also possess claircognizant, clairaudient, and clairvoyant abilities. My husband and I went down this road and over the bridge one night a few weeks ago. Without me knowing, my husband had a digital recorded and a P-SB7 spirit box turned on while going down the hill to this bridge. After we crossed the bridge, I immediately became overwhelmed by emotions. I started crying and I kept repeating “it was a little boy, it was a little boy”. I also immediately felt a woman’s presence. It felt like a very motherly energy. I know the overwhelming emotions I was experiencing were not my own. They were her’s. I could feel her desperation. She was searching for her child. I also felt she was trapped in this location by a very negative male energy. I told my husband that I was getting the years between 1940-1960. Then as we continued down the road, out of nowhere I pointed to the right side of the woods and said there was a cabin in those woods and it holds nothing but evil. Keep in mind that at the time we went down this road neither of us knew anything about that location and it’s history. Then we arrived at a curve that went to the left and up at the top were rail road tracks. I stopped dead in the road and said that I could not go any further and that I felt I needed to turn around and go home. The eerie part was once we got back out to the main road we heard a train horn in the distance. I, without a doubt, know that this poor lost mother’s soul watched over me that night. I felt her presence all the way home. After I got home I kept feeling the overwhelming need to try to see if she would communicate with me audibly through the spirit box. As soon as I turned it on I heard a female voice say “hi!”. It was crystal clear. It sounded as if she was happy that someone could finally hear her. My husband in the meantime was reviewing the audio on the digital recorder from earlier and he heard the word “Jesus” several times. I did all I knew to do to try and help her lost soul find peace. I let her know that she was safe and that she did not have to be trapped in those woods any longer. I told her if she sees a white light to go to it. I then heard a woman’s voice say “heaven” and I never got anymore responses from her after that. It was an insane experience and I definitely do not recommend just anyone going to this location because there is evil energy there as well. I feel that most people go to this place just for a good “spook” and are disrespectful of the location as well as the energies that are there. I can say without a doubt that this place is full of intense residual energy and IS NOT for the faint of heart. If you do decide to check this place out then please be respectful. Do not leave trash lying around. I can tell you that leaving candy bars is just a waste. I didn’t feel any “trapped” young energy there. Just primarily the distraught and desperate mother energy. Still to this day I think about her at least once a day and I pray that by me interacting and talking to her was enough to help her find peace and finally cross over to be with her family.
Posted 4/27/199 out of 10 found this review helpful
Nothing happened
It’s scary knowing the ledgend, it’s pitch black so bring a flashlight, it’s pretty scary because it’s over a stream and the bridge has spray paint on it, we even seen a bloody white shirt in the woods next to it. It’s fun.
Posted 10/5/182 out of 3 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 1/16/2016 (3357 days ago)