Jemison Center & Old Bryce Hospital - Northport AL Real Haunt

- Northport, AL
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Went, nothing happened. Scariest part was the bird in the basement trying to touch me. Great fun though.
Posted 11/15/240 out of 1 found this review helpful
Ghost Car
Me and my boyfriend went there almost a year ago with some friends, it was my first time going there and so far nothing had happened until about the second floor, a car appeared at the hospital we never seen them come down the road or anything, it was a black SUV with extremely bright blue headlights that didn’t even look realistic, the vehicle stopped at the entrance and then we hear what sounded like 50 people screaming for there life, like so realistic it sounded like a horror movie. We turned our lights off and the car disappeared and with our lights off there was a very faded blue figure with a face standing in front of me and my boyfriend that he said he also saw we ran out got in our car and the vehicle appeared behind us and chased us out but once we passed the train track the SUV disappeared from behind us and if you’ve been there you know there’s no way to turn around so quickly after being behind us one second and gone the next well we drove back up there and check every road twist a turn and there was no trace of another vehicle except for ours no tire tracks except for ours nothing I also have friends that claim they have also witnessed what we call the ghost car…
Posted 9/17/24Yes I Have Video Evidence!
Back in 2019 a few of my friends and I decided to go ghost hunting. Somehow we ended up in Alabama (from Mississippi). I didn't want to go but they asked me to go because of my "gift". I can feel presences evil or good I can feel them since I was a little kid. Anyway we walk through the hospital ruins and the other buildings I felt uneasy but not presence uneasy just "we are not supposed to be here" uneasy, that is until we made it to the crematorium. Walking towards the crematorium I kept hearing whispers, asked my friends if they heard it and of course they didn't. this continued the entire walk to the crematorium. As we reached the entrance I stopped, felt like I couldn't breath my partner at the time asked me if everything was ok at that point I felt extremely cold ( it was the middle of summer) and said to her "I don't want to go in there" the moment she asks me why I kind of blacked out came back to a few moments later with her and our friends standing over me asking if I was ok. We got up and headed home. I forgot I was even recording but the next day I watched the video back and the exact moment that she asked why I didn't want to go in you can see a white fog like apparition come straight at me and that's when I passed out. Needless to say I have never been back and I have never deleted the video.
Posted 7/10/243 out of 3 found this review helpful
Mysterious laughter and moving shadows
Last weekend my son and his best friend wanted to go explore so we walked through each floor of both wings. It had rained the night before and it was difficult to distinguish the sounds of water dripping at times from anything that might be supernatural. An entire square section of the left wing third floor has indeed collapsed through the send floor all the way down to ground level, making the 1st floor left/west wing difficult to safely access from inside except from the 2nd floor stairwell. All of the stairwells are a slip hazard due to the accumulation of terracotta ceiling tiles and debris scattered around. My son’s friend swears he heard someone laughing soon after we first entered from the rear-center access ramp. On two occasions within a few seconds of each other, on the third floor, a dark shadow seemed to quickly move away from me briefly back into a room as I walked down the east wing hallway. Both occurrances happened just at the edge of my peripheral vision as I walked past a room and really gave me an unsettled feeling like we weren’t alone. When I looked directly into the room though with a flashlight nothing was there. This happened around sunset when darkness started creeping in and the natural light was fading so we left at that point to briefly explore the SD Allen facility down the street.
Posted 4/3/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
Lots of activity!
We went just a month or so ago, and we had so many events happen just in two short hours there on the property!!! We started in the Jemison center and we had several occurrences of footsteps, at one point sounded like a man cleared his throat on the second floor, east side. The west side had completely collapsed. From the third floor all the way to the main floor… We also went to the nursing home side, and this is where it got rough. We were just looking through rooms… trying to get EVP’s. Well there was four to six rooms we would hear noises out of. We would go to one room and hear noises in a room behind us or adjacent to us… we felt as if we was going crazy. In one room that appeared to be an exam room due to the size, and how it was set up.. I got overwhelmed with emotion, and sat down in the dirty floor, feeling sad, and angry… Once I stand up I notice the back of my neck is burning, and I have scratches down the base of my neck almost to my shoulder blades… it was burning and showed up red and could see the scratch marks… I then am ready to go after being affected as I’m walking out I hear something run up behind me and I felt someone I’m assuming try to push me… I could feel the coldness on my back… this place is amazing for activity. If you go please be prepared! Also it is posted as no trespassing! So if cops catch you then you could be fined or arrested! Happy hunting!!!!
Posted 2/8/242 out of 2 found this review helpful
Red eyes.
While at my experience with Bryce,Me, My uncle and my aunts went here. At first we arrived around 9pm. We took 30 minutes to travel along the way to get there.. After we got there we explored the buildings and on our way back we saw something that shocked me. When I looked over we saw headlights and there was a man in a truck staring at us with red glowing eyes, now I’m not saying like when your high type of red eyes.. I’m talking red light red glowing eyes.. he was staring at us while he drived by we couldn’t see his exact facial expression. This happened in June 2023. And keep in mind they have a yellow border line across from here, so there was now way he could’ve fitted his car thru this pathway and found us in the forest. His eyes were GLOWING red like red headlight glowing.. he just stared at me and my aunt while he drived by slowly.. it was the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen.. he wasn’t high.. his eyes were literally glowing I can’t even describe how scary it was.. he was silent as he drove by.. which made me get even more chills, other then that.. the place was eerie, and it was very scary.. there are actual people in the rooms of these places so be prepared before you get ready to come here.. always have people with you..
Posted 7/10/235 out of 5 found this review helpful
Pregnancy video
While walking to the second building down the road before Bryce, one of the people that I was with had his phone suddenly start playing a pregnancy loss video. Having never watched a video of that topic at all start playing off of his youtube. (Youtube normally suggest your interests.) Theory is, a woman that suffered a pregnancy loss went so insane that she was taken to Bryce. Died there.
Posted 6/23/234 out of 4 found this review helpful
haunted asf
the first time i went with my buddies, we were in a room and my friend said his chest started to hurt. wierd, he never has chest pains. soon after he said that we heard something heavy breathing and walking above us. as we started to leave, by buddie had chest pains again. we started to run and we turned around a saw a human sized shadow figure behind us with the eyes reflecting with the flashlights. we almost get to the car and my friend has chest pains once more and we all hear a little girl saying “hi, come back” as she sounds like she is in distress. second time we went back it wasnt as scary but everytime my same buddie had chest pains we would soon hear something being thrown seconds after along with feeling like we were being watched.
Posted 6/15/233 out of 3 found this review helpful
I was born here
Supposedly after i found who my biological mother was, my new found half siblings told me she was put in this institution by her mother, and then was raped by either a patient or staff member, hence my conception, and of course was forced to give me up for adoption in 1969. I would love to go here to visit just to be able to be in the same spot my bio mother was and i was.
Posted 2/15/234 out of 4 found this review helpful
Right before my boyfriend and I started dating, he took me here as i’ve lived here my whole life but never been to Old Bryce. It’s been on my bucket list and finally felt safe enough to go because of him. Be careful of law enforcement and most importantly, squatters. Also be very aware of the decaying buildings. Anyways, my boyfriend and I got there around 9pm and explored the Jemison Center itself first. Quite a few stairwells are blocked by debris but you can still make your way around the entire building. We felt watched but did not hear anything paranormal in the main building. We also found what seems to be an old boiling room building, filled with large furnaces, and a small building. However, what we felt was the creepiest was the old nursing home. It is to the left of the main building, we couldn’t see a clear path at night and just went in through the woods using Apple Maps to find it. It is a huge building with many rooms. The doors are made of heavy metal. This was the building where we both heard footsteps close to us, and even heard one of the doors shut. After exploring we started to walk back to the main path and back to the car. We were between the nursing home and the Jemison Center when we heard a woman scream nearby. It was loud. We walked the entire property and we were alone. I’ll never forget it.
Posted 12/20/224 out of 5 found this review helpful
Do not go there
Me and my boyfriend and friends went a year ago back in June and had no experience just a really cool place. Then we went tonight and had weird feelings. Flashlights turned off once back on the dog we brought barked at the woods. Once we got closer almost inside a women screamed so loud all of us ran all the way back to the truck. While running we stopped and heard something running towards us so we ran faster. DO NOT GO HERE. If you do be prepared!!
Posted 10/9/224 out of 4 found this review helpful
Definitely haunted
Me and some friends have came to Bryce several times and almost everytime I’ve had an experience but it’s easy to excuse most ghost experiences rather then accepting the reality that they’re real! But my last visit was late at night on halloween 2021 and we heard a single dog bark which was weird because of how dark it is but like I said some things are easily excused then we heard what sounded like a loud bang that was unexplainable but still we ignored it and continued talking because we was sitting in this room with our phone flashlights on…and what happened next is what confirmed that either someone was inside this building fucking with us or were experiencing a real ghost but something made us jump up because we realized how dark it is and the footsteps didn’t sound like broken concrete like it did when we walked it sounded like it would if their was clean floors back when it wasn’t abandoned and when we were running out of there we were walking down the first path that goes from behind the building to leave out the back way and we heard a baby screaming in the woods…that sounds so fake I know but believe it or not I swear on my soul it happened it was so dark that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face so I know that no one else was there without us knowing for sure and I doubt anyone would bring a baby in the woods another experience on a separate time is I was walking and recording and didn’t see or hear anything out loud but when I got home and replayed the videos I heard someone screaming in agony I plan to go back soon I feel like the more familiar the spirits get the more they are active
Posted 11/29/213 out of 3 found this review helpful
My grandfather's internship
My grandfather did his medical internship at Bryce Hospital in the late 50s-early 60s. He told us about how one of his classmates was killed by a patient there, how commonly restraints and items of that nature were used (which is now considered patient abuse within the medical field), and about the treatments then. He remembered assisting in lobotomies, ice baths, and many other "treatments". I would definitely believe this place is haunted now and it is great piece of medical history that shows how far we as nurses, doctors, and psychologist have come.
Posted 11/24/214 out of 4 found this review helpful
Definitely haunted
I’ve been to the Jamison center a few times and I have a recording of a man screaming and we didn’t hear this out loud we only heard it when we played the videos back but it sounded like someone screaming in agony then the next time we went which was last night we heard a slamming noise and we got scared thinking it was cops then we heard running and that freaked us out so we started leaving then we heard a BABY crying in the woods I literally thought it was my mind playing tricks on me until I looked at my wife and her face looked petrified we took off running and left
Posted 11/1/21Decay
We have been to this site several times. We even went to the nursing home part off to the side. Having been there during the day and at night I can say It it most definitely a spooky place . I’m a photographer so you can imagine I took a ton of photographs while inside and I have one with a very very clear imagine of a nurse wearing the exact type of uniform you see in pictures online of old Bryce . At first I wasn’t sure about the type of uniform until I researched more . It’s very clear . Having been there this year I think it’s important to note that the gate to the road leading to the center is now closed shut and you would have to literally sneak in and the building is pretty unsafe at this point .
Posted 9/19/211 out of 1 found this review helpful
Very haunted
My nephew and a buddy of mine went there recently and heard whistling, had stuff thrown at us and heard a woman cry. Plus my nephew and i caught a shadow figure and lots of orbs there and an EVP saying can i kill him? I got the name Zena and Clara and a hiss. So yes it's really haunted
Posted 12/5/20Not Haunted
I’ve been there at night and during the day, while night time is certainly creepier it’s more because it’s almost totally dark within the building than because of spirits. During the day we looked around every room and every building and it’s clearly just an abandoned building which is fun to walk around but not a “creepy spirit filled” space. The graffiti is more creepy than anything else really. Lots of ‘KKK’ and swastikas, tons of sexual innuendo and random phone numbers. The experience is great just for the history factors but as a Pagan, I definitely don’t believe this place is haunted.
Posted 9/19/202 out of 7 found this review helpful
Posted 8/16/203 out of 4 found this review helpful
pull your hair UP but not OUT
just wanted to make that distinction. great website
Posted 6/27/201 out of 2 found this review helpful
worth going
me and my bestfriend didn't even make it steps in the door before we looked down the long hallway at 12am with our flashlights. We heard the most distinct two knocks, we ran so fast. We went back during the day the next day to get the lay of the land and plan to go back at night sometimes soon.
Posted 3/10/202 out of 2 found this review helpful
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