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The Dancing Ghost of Grancer Harrison - Real Kinston Haunt

  • CR 484
  • Kinston, AL
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William "Grancer" Harrison was born in South Carolina in 1789, and established a large plantation near Cripple Creek and Pea River near what is now Kinston, Alabama around 1830. A successful cotton planter, Grancer is said to have built a large hall so that he could host weekly parties, at which he loved to dance around wearing a special pair of clogs. As Harrison grew older he decided that he wished to be buried wearing his dancing clothes and clogs, lying on his feather bed, so he made arrangements for an above-ground tomb to be constructed to accommodate the mattress and upon his death his wishes were executed. After he passed the weekly parties began to dwindle and eventually vanished, but locals say they can still hear an eerie fiddle playing and someone dancing when they pass by the cemetery late at night. Some have also heard a deep voice calling out square dances.
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  • I'm a relative

    Can the owner of the page reach out to me, please. Grandmother was in the Harrison family. Word that may help: glick Thank you

    Posted 7/14/23

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  • We heard what sounded like native drums

    My best friend, who is Grancer Harrison's great-great granddaughter, and I went with a paranormal group here on Halloween night 2020. The ladies in their group were all dressed in period clothing; they had some awesome equipment - an SLS camera, EVP recorder, and some other things I can't recall at this moment. We got there just before dark, and the group took some baseline readings and all was quiet. After it got dark, the group split up and my friend went with the group that went to the back part of the cemetery where she recalled there being slave graves. Her family had been out there in the 1960s after the grave had been blown up one time to do the cleanup, and she recalled there being metal markers in the back of the family cemetery with numbers on them to mark the slave graves. Those are no longer there (the markers), but I'm sure whatever bodies were there are still in the graves. She and part of the group went out there and sat down to see if they could catch any EVPs and while they were sitting there, they all heard what sounded like bare feet running on the dirt drive that comes in to the cemetery. Some of the men went chasing after it and found absolutely nothing. Awhile later, I was just standing around while everyone else was watching the SLS cam (Mr. Harrison interacted a lot on it that night while my friend was talking to him), I heard the distinct sounds of native American drums and then the others started hearing them, too ... a little while later, I was sitting down and happened to look up and with my own eyes I saw a tiny silver orb about 15 feet above my head fly over... and the folks sitting next to me saw it, as well. We saw that happen once more. The cemetery/land is now owned by a sod farm and is well-kept and clean. The group we went with had to get special permission from the police dept for us to be there, so be prepared to do that if you decide you want to go out there after dark.

    Posted 10/18/22

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  • My 4th Ggrandfathers resting place

    This place is spooky!

    Posted 9/20/20

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Last edit to this listing: 1/16/2016 (3360 days ago)

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