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Mr. Creepies' Demented Labyrinth

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Scare Factor
Very Scary
Appropriate For
Mature 12 years and older
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Haunted Mazes / Haunted Corn Mazes, Haunted Trails, Scream Parks, Other Events
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The Ominous, Eerie, and Unusually Vaporous
An Obscure Foot Path Otherwise Inhabited by Menacing and Monstrous Creatures

In Combination with

The Odd, Bizarre, Unnerving, and Definitely Wicked

“This dark, weird, disconcerting carnival brings pandemonium and nightmare to all who perceive the siren’s song of its carnival music, or witness the lurking abyss of its seductive labyrinth.”

Lusus Naturae SKULK Trail Precautions
Once started there is no going back! There are no exits from The Trail. Stay on the trail at all times! Primary reasons to stay on the trail include, but are not limited to, the Ethereal and Abnormal Monstrosities encountered to date. It seems these Creatures have been here for a very long while. Encounters with the shadow wraith Mutgadeska, the antlered skin-crawler Kowikasha and an Atahsaia demon are recurrent and go back as far as Choctaw Legend. Remain in the moment and cognizant of your entire perimeter! A few of the creatures prefer the frontal ambush, others a flanking attack. But the really dangerous ones are the stalkers, the creatures that will follow from behind and attack when you are not looking. Keep one eye always behind you and the other everywhere else. If you encounter a creature, DO NOT RUN! The best defense is to move together steadily as a group. Even huddle if attacked. If a creature is near and an attack appears imminent, DO NOT STARE into the Eyes of the Creature but continue to move steadily along the trail.

Mr. Creepies Big Tent Labyrinth Precautions
Keep your wits! The Big Tent is a claustrophobic labyrinth in its entirety. The floors slopes radically. The canvas partitions are multiple and precariously divided. There are dead-ends and there are perplexing loops. You will become disoriented. You will get lost. The power is sporadic and intermittent and so the lighting is unreliable. It can become blindingly bright. It does go blindingly dark. Even so, Mr Creepies keeps his hypnotic carny music blaring despite the power issues. If separated from your group, or worse, cornered, it is better to scream for help than to run blindly into the abyss. Or really, it’s better not to scream as this attracts and encourages the clowns. However, if you are alone and a freak approaches—SCREAM! Keep your distance! Rumor has it Mr Creepies got all his actors from the Georgia State Sanitarium. He says he once worked there. However, instead, he may have actually been institutionalized as well. You’ll see, nothing else can explain it. They’re all twisted…cuckoo, like one flew over. Now Creepies says his is a professional traveling show with trained clown actors. In a very limited way of looking at it that’s true, but mostly its not. But hey, this is a haunt event and the reality of it hasn’t mattered so far.
Now the freaks, its unknown where he got them, maybe the same place—that was a huge insane asylum with thousands committed.
So, enjoy the Big Tent experience, but don’t linger, and certainly…do not get separated from your group!
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