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Harper Hill Church & Cemetery - Real Dadeville Haunt

  • Prospect Road
  • Dadeville, AL
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  (5 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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The Harper Hill Church and Cemetery have been abandoned and in disrepair for many years, but some visitors say that its former residents still linger there. Local Legends state that well over a century ago the minister who lived in the church went utterly mad and murdered his entire family, then killed himself. Ever since then there have been reports of strange apparitions in the small church's windows, or even the sound of the old minister preaching to his congregation.
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  • Creepiest Place I Have Ever Been

    I've been there several times since I was a teenager. It's as creepy and intimidating during the day as at night. The old church was torn down several years ago, but the cemetery remains. When the church was there you could see lights glowing in the windows at night, hear sounds of a child laughing. It looks different now without the church but no less intimidating. I went by there yesterday, always have wanted to see the old tombstones. I walked up to the fence but I couldn't force myself to open the gate. It's as if something was telling me I shouldn't. It's in a somewhat isolating spot, nothing within a mile or half mile. I don't believe a lot of places said to be haunted really are, but this place, you'll never convince me it isn't haunted. Every time I've been there (it's only 3-4 miles from my house) I have felt a presence I couldn't see, and a feeling I was being watched. It's not a good spirit who intends no harm, it's one that feels very bad.

    Posted 9/19/24

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  • literally just a graveyard lmao

    not scary me and my friends came for a few hours not shit happened its just a graveyard

    Posted 4/6/23

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    0 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • what we saw and heard

    when I and my friend went we pulled In and it sounded like someone was talking but the video that we were watching was off and then his dad was joking around and then we sat in the truck and then we heard talking again then it sounded like a tree or a cannon went off but would i go back forsure

    Posted 10/22/21

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    0 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Will never go back! EVER!

    The first time I ever went to the Church, myself and two friends heard what sounded like a HUGE tree limb or honestly it sounded like a tree falling on the church but we never seen anything. A few nights later I told another group of friends about it. They wanted to go see it. I finally agreed but told them I would not get out of the truck. We were listening to a cd playing and as soon as we turned into the church drive the radio turned itself up loud as it could go and sounded like it use to when a tape player eats a tap. Loud screeching and high pitched noise. Needless to say we instantly backed up and sped away fast as possible. I vowed to NEVER go back bc something evil was there. I have always felt like I can feel these type of evil drab places maybe moreso than others. I have only felt those feeling 3 times in my life and every time I saw or heard things I can’t explain. The only other time I was effected by this area was when a friend invited myself and two other to go shoot on their land. I didn’t realize their land was less that a mile away from the church. I told my girl friend when we went to use restroom (honestly we had to pop a squat) that was with me I didn’t like this land. She knew my previous experiences there. As soon as we walked back to we’re the guys were, the guy that owned the land said “thanks y’all for coming out here with me to shoot. I don’t like to come out here alone bc for some reason I get a creepy feeling like someone is watching me.” As soon as he said that and my knowing he couldn’t have a clue what had happened bc 1:this was the first time we met him with my mutual friend and 2: this land was recently purchased by him and he was from an area 30 minutes away. Once he said that I told them I was ready to go. I ruined the day of shooting but I didn’t care. Once we left I asked him to please go the opposite way out so we wouldn’t have to pass the church. He couldn’t or didn’t believe my story once I told him but I didn’t care. I remember thinking earlier in the day how sweet and cute and fun this single guy was but after knowing I might would have to go back to that land if anything ever grew between us, I never spoke or seen him again.

    Posted 12/2/17

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  • WOW...????????

    yu can definitely fill the sprits and yu hear leaves crumble and tree branches moving and after a very little bit first yu hear a woman scream then again then it sounds like three or four screaming and it's really loud... most definitely a experience would I go back? absolutely!!!

    Posted 9/3/17

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 3,942
Last edit to this listing: 1/16/2016 (3358 days ago)

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