Marion Military Institute - Real Haunts in Marion AL

- 1101 Washington St
- Marion, AL
- 334-683-2306
- Average Review
- (8 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Cemeteries, Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds, Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums, Real Haunted Colleges
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- Sturdivant Hall Museum22.3 miles away
- George O. Baker House22.7 miles away
- The Trotter House22.7 miles away
- JW Whatley House28.6 miles away
- Gaineswood Plantation31.2 miles away
- Jemison-Van de Graaff Mansion42.4 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesMurphy barracks and then HQ barracks the 2nd year
I was sleeping in my bed taking a nap between classes in Murphy barracks in the year 2000. I woke from my nap and rolled over, that's when I saw both desks stacked against the window near me and not side by side on the wall along with the chairs. As soon as I saw this I was unable to move and it felt like I was being pushed until my mattress and paralyzed. After maybe a minute but seemed to be like 10 minutes I was free and the room was back to normal. This happened to a few other charlie cadets in Murphy hall that year as well. It never happened to me before or since. 2nd year in 2001/2002 in HQ barracks hanging out in the day room my friend calls it a night and walks out the day room and down the hall to his room. This is like late Saturday night, so after midnight, and his room is by the stairs and the entrance facing the guard shack. Heb walks out of the day room and turns to his room, he sees someone turn the corner and go to his room. Only 6 of us stayed in the barracks at the time so he thought it was one of us playing a trick on him. He goes on his room and no one is there and he runs up the stairs and didn't see anyone up there either. Came back to the day room and told the rest of us, we searched the barracks and no one was there. But he was freaked out because he saw a person walk past the stairs and to his room. Other stories of foot steps, running showers and stuff like that. I've never had experiences like I did at MMI.
Posted 1/9/24Cicada fiasco
so just yesterday we were cleaning our barracks (im staying in Trustee) which to my knowledge shouldn't be haunted. But the morning after cleaning 19 dead cicadas were just laying up and down the hallway, we ended up having to pick em up but still was weird none the less.
Posted 8/15/210 out of 1 found this review helpful
Incident from 2007-2008
I went to marion in 2007-2008. We had various incidents throughout my time there, but one night in particular comes to mind. In the female barracks, I believe it was Lovelace, there was a incident where the female chaplain, a cadet captain, began speaking in a strange and aggressive dialect, like speaking in tongues. Apparently it took multiple women to hold her down and restrain her. I was in the Delta company barracks, and that same night we started having issues with our desk lamps turning on and off on their own, windows closing on their own, and everyone was freaked out. I called my wrestling coach from back home (California) and talked to him about it because he was a strong Christian mentor to me and I was scared. The next morning we were in formation and that's when I learned about the incident at the female barracks. I never saw the female chaplain/captain again, and all of us were told not to discuss the events. It was weird not only because of what had happened but because of how leadership tried to sweep it under the rug.
Posted 10/22/201 out of 1 found this review helpful
Unexplained events
One night as a cadet at MMI, I was trying to charge my phone only to realize my cord wasn’t working. I asked a friend down the hall if I could borrow his extra until I could get one that weekend on leave. He said sure so we walked to his room. He opened the door and flicked his light on. The second his light was flipped on his desk lamp flew across the room and broke against the wall. It had little cubbies at the base of it with desk supplies in it so the pieces went everywhere. My buddy’s roommate was laying down in the room napping when this happened. He was stunned as we were and had no explanation except for what we saw. When we were cleaning up the mess, the guy who had been in the room was complaining about an itch on his leg and looked to find 3 scratch marks on his leg. This was in the Echo/ Band barracks at the time. I also heard a story from Band Co. cadets about a little girl that they would see. A girl also had a Ukulele in a case that they would hear playing at times in the night.
Posted 2/3/201sgt
I can back up the story of the cadet and the computer. He was my 1sgt at that time. Certainly many strange occurances like footsteps and shadows. Even caught a recording of what sounded like a train, even though the tracks thru campus had been abandoned for years. The school even had this website and a few others blocked that mentioned mmi being haunted. It's something the school condemned for even talking about. The guard at the guard shack had a few stories of his own as well
Posted 3/21/19Former Cadet
I attended MMI from, 1995-1997 and I experienced some strange things around campus. I was a boarding student and didn’t have a car so I mostly stayed there on the weekends and it was very boring. We would go explore the campus at night and frequently got under the Chapel where there are some old abandoned rooms. There were some tunnels throughout the city that were used by the Confederate Army during the Civil War to fortify the town but we were too scared to venture very far into them because they looked unsafe. (For anyone reading this, do NOT go into the tunnels, they're 160+ years old. You could get killed.) Since we weren’t allowed to smoke on campus, we were constantly on the lookout for faculty and staff walking around whenever we would try to sneak a smoke. We would sometimes hear the DISTINCT sound of footsteps coming close to us and we would immediately stomp out our cigarettes so we wouldn’t get caught, only to find that no one was there. This happened on numerous occasions during my time at MMI. It wasn't a figment of our imaginations, the footsteps were REAL, but no one was there. The Chapel (the oldest building on campus) was used as an Army hospital to treat wounded soldiers during the Battle of Selma and many succumbed to their wounds. Once they died they were immediately buried in a makeshift cemetery behind the chapel. Some Cadets said that they would randomly smell ether (which was used in hospitals) for no reason at all. I lived in Wilkerson hall and always seemed to wake up around 3AM for no apparent reason. This also happened to many other cadets. Perhaps 3AM is something significant that I'm not aware of. When I slept off-campus this never happened to me, it only occurred on campus.
Posted 3/20/194 out of 4 found this review helpful
Lovelace Hall
Update on the two stories: the first one is completely untrue. the second story was based on truth but was over exaggerated. I am sorry for and confusion.
Posted 3/25/170 out of 2 found this review helpful
Lovelace Hall
I lived in Lovelace Hall for two years. I lived on the second floor in the little closet with two rooms. I am going to tell two stories that I believe are connected. I am not as familiar with the first story as that happened a few years before I went to school there. First story goes like this, Lovelace used to be the girls dorm. One of the girls who lived on the first floor close to the stairs started becoming possessed or acting crazy and for a few weeks she really scared the girls. Until she committed suicide in her room. Supposedly the night she died all the girls moved out of Lovelace and ever since it has been a boys dorm. No one would live in her room and it was used for storage for years until my first year when someone who did not believe in ghosts was promoted to PLT SGT and got his own room. So that is all I know about that, I am sure someone could clear up what actually happened to her whoever she was. My last story is one I believe is directly connected to whatever happened to that girl. There was this really hot shot guy, he excelled in everything he did, he was sent to Mountain Warfare School, he was Bravos 1stSGT, Honor Roll, you name it. During his second year he changed. It was said to me by the swamp fox commander and future battalion commander that it started with a program on his computer that would type what you spoke into the microphone. He knew his microphone was picking up weird text and one night while they were hanging out in the his room with him something talked to them through the laptop microphone. I remember how they told me the conversation went, "Ghost: Hello... Cadets type: Hello who is this? Ghost: (some old southern woman name I cannot remember)... Ghost: I'm scared... Cadets: What are you scared of? ... Ghost: The girl in the corner of the room is looking at me ... Ghost: I'm terrified" That is all the conversation I am aware of. However the subject of this story (Bravos 1stSgt) became obsessed with the ghost legends of the school. He began acting oddly and became reclusive. His grades dropped, he stopped going to formations, he gave up on his army commission. He was kicked out in December for his bizarre behavior and the day he left he did really strange things like throwing a large 100 pound trunk perfectly into his tiny car trunk from 20 yards away. Even the way he drove off campus scared people. For his closer friends, his transformation made them fear the building and whatever was there with us. The next semester someone next moved into his room and took over his duties as 1stSgt, nothing out of the ordinary happened to that person, he lived in the room for 4 months then moved out. When the next years 1stSgt went to that room when he arrived for school in the fall he went to check his new room with the swamp fox commander and future battalion commander. When they opened the door to the room, on the bed, in dress right dress, were items that had belonged to the previous 1stSgt who had been kicked out two semesters ago! Those items could not have been left there because someone had lived in the room after him for a semester and the room stays locked all summer until the new 1stSgt arrives. That 1stSgt would NEVER sleep in that room. He stayed in the swamp fox commanders room across the hall every night even though he had his own room. The swamp fox commander never complained about the 1stSgt sleeping in his room because he knew exactly what had happened. I told this story to the new Cadets my second year and was awoken by a "SSHHH!!!" in my ear the following mourning. If anyone from Marion could add to or correct this story, that would be great.
Posted 3/24/175 out of 5 found this review helpful
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