• Alabama Edition •



JW Whatley House - Moundville AL Real Haunt

  • State Route 69
  • Moundville, AL
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Also known as Woodland, it is said that the JW Whatley House was built on an old slave quarters, as well as on top of a cemetery. Visitors have reported hearing strange noises and seeing objects move on their own. Recent reports indicate that house may no longer stand, but the ghosts are still active nonetheless.
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  • Grandparents

    I remember my grandparents lived here. George Walters and Vera Walters. We would something or someone at the top of the stairs and the landing stayed hot all the time. I would really Love to see it again. Thank you for letting me share.

    Posted 4/27/24

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  • my grandfather

    my grandfather owns this house not alot of ghost just family that used to live there i actully went there last weekend but with what u said its no gone its there

    Posted 4/26/22

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  • The real deal!

    My husband's grandmother and grandfather were caretakers of the Whatley House in the late 50s and early 60s...my husband remembers staying with them as a small child, and him and his brother playing on the stairs!

    Posted 4/26/20

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  • Old Friend

    I went to school with you and would love to visit the old house and have an experience.

    Posted 12/7/19

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  • Grandparents

    My grandparents lived in this house. I remember the playing in the front yard and I would really Love to see the inside again. I remember that at the top of the stairs the floor was always hot.

    Posted 8/3/18

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  • S.J.T.Whatley II

    I grew up there, my father still lives there. So unless I’m a ghost as well, it’s not gone. The family from the 1800s are still there as well. We have our incounters but most are reserved for guest! Ours are usually the fam not liking placement of objects such as paintings and other fam articles, etc the China cabinet.

    Posted 3/4/18

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,700
Last edit to this listing: 2/1/2016 (3341 days ago)

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