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Maxwell Air Force Base - Real Haunt in Montgomery AL

  • Maxwell Air Force Base
  • Montgomery, AL
  • 334-953-1110
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Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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Maxwell Air Force Base, located in Montgomery, occupies the sight of the original Wright Flying School, which operated from 1910 o 1916 before becoming a repair depot during World War I. Building 1433 is alleged to be haunted, and various paranormal phenomena have been reported within its walls. A burnt electrical smell sometimes emanates from the second floor, though there is no short or electrical fire to speak of. Shadows have been seen darting across the halls and an eerie presence has been felt. Some of those dorming in the building have reported waking to find their beds soaked in river water. It is thought that the spirits haunting this building may belong to Confederate soldiers who died crossing the nearby river, as they tend to harass individuals from the North and Western US in particular.
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  • Woke up soaked !!!!

    I had training there and I stayed in that building. On one for the first couple of nights I woke up with my bed soaked. For awhile I had only came to the conclusion that I peed myself however i had a hard time believing it because I was dehydrated from not wanting to drink the water from the facet and from sweating through the first couple of days. So my pee would not have been clear and it would have definitely smelled. But it did not. I didn’t even change sheets and I reworn my clothes after they dried because it was as if water had been spilt on them. It was not until later through my group message with my flight from training that my dorm mate sent and said our building was haunted and explained to me about what the water that I woke up with could have been. From that I was so shocked. I apologize for the bad grammar, it is super late and I am sleeping while typing this. However, I wanted to definitely share.

    Posted 4/9/19

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Contact Phone #: 334-953-1110

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Last edit to this listing: 2/1/2016 (3321 days ago)

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