• Alabama Edition •



Alabama's Most Haunted Libraries

Interested in a good ghost story? Head to a haunted library and you'll get the full effect and possibly live the story for yourself! There are more than plenty of libraries throughout America that are steeped in history and mystery. From the New York Public Library that is rumored to be home to many spirits, to the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. – the options for paranormal fanatics are truly endless. Check out some of the nation’s most haunted libraries here and enjoy diving into the pages of their unique history!
  •   Albertville Public Library Albertville, AL
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    The Albertville Public Library stands on the site of a former residence which was demolished at some point in the early 1900s. Though the current building was itself never a house, rumor has it the spirits of those that previously lived there have remained behind to haunt the area. Faucets have turned on and off of their own accord, and the elevator is said to run by itself at times. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Libraries

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