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Easly Cemetery - Real Haunted Place

  • Easly Cemetery Road
  • Jasper, AL
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Nighttime visitors to Easly Cemetery say they have seen some strange things at the graveyard. The most common sighting is of a fiery red (or green, on occasion) orb floating and sometimes chasing after people. A white phantom has also been reported on the road next to the cemetery.
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  • Why

    This is my family cemetary lol

    Posted 5/19/24

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • There’s definitely something at Easleys

    Me and my friends were just driving around jasper and the driver just started going towards the cemetery. When we pulled up my dad text and ask where we were going, when we told him he told us to leave right then and not go back. The whole time we were parked there was a white figure standing a little ways from the gate, nobody thought anything about it till we started reading about the cemetery.

    Posted 5/7/23

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  • Scary

    We heard screams and got scared and even when we went to walk in we all got chills and one girl passed out all night and the next day all of us where sick

    Posted 4/1/23

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  • easley is haunted

    We went down to the cemetery with a couple friends not thinking anything would happen. We walk all around the in side of the gates just scouting out the area. Where they once had chains around the cemetery and on one of the I beams there was burnt money, a pair of sunglasses, sugar, and a wasps nest. Later that night we found out that it meant someone was paying someones debt which mean they were planting a curse on someone, All night we had heard footsteps near our vehicles and just felt like someone was with us. In the woods we had seen a solid red light and the guy we had with us that knew everything about the paranormal had told us we needed to leave now. Considering the cemetery and the grass around it was holy ground we knew we were safe from anything evil but as we were running back to our vehicles as soon as my foot steps off the grass I get a heavy weight on my chest which causes my breathing to get heavy. As we were driving out the people driving in front saw someone walk out of the woods. Even tho we told all whatever was with us that night not to follow us we still felt eiry all night.

    Posted 6/27/22

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,094
Last edit to this listing: 1/27/2016 (3346 days ago)

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