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High Hill Church - Real Haunt in Parrish AL

  • High Hill Rd & Kilpatrick Rd
  • Parrish, AL
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Locals have been reporting some strange happenings at this old church since it was first abandoned many years ago. Large crowds of people have been seen participating in a religious mass late at night, and the spirit of the church's pastor was recently seen hunting in the surrounding woods, despite having died in the late 1970s. Another incident involved a ghostly bride and groom spotted walking out of the church late at night.
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  • Ghost

    I saw a gohst it was a bride and groom . They was running out the church and looked at me .I pissed my pants got in my car and got the hell away from there and will never be back .

    Posted 8/6/21

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  • Visited today - pretty cool

    Today I took my two boys, (11 and 16yo) to the church and cemetery. The cemetery grounds are well kept and freshly cut. New plastic flowers decorate most all of the graves. In the center of the graveyard is an old wooden crypt with two gravestones inside (beware of red wasps). The church has been badly vandalized with graffiti. The doors and windows have been removed and several pews have been turned over. The piano has been turned over and destroyed. On the pulpet is a blanket and several pillows, which suggest someone had been sleeping there several months ago. We found a box of old 1970s-era hymnals. The boys thought it was all kind of cool but a little sad. A small community obviously had many services here many many years ago but now the place is quickly decaying being wide open to the elements. I’ve seen this pattern in many old churches in Alabama, including the haunted Harrison cemetary in Kingston, in which my grandfather took us many times to visit when I was a kid. This one seems headed for the same fate. We went around noon, so no paranormal experience. I suggesting my youngest son check out the crawl space Around the side of the church but he said, “no way, no how”, lol.

    Posted 6/3/19

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Visitors to this page: 3,949
Last edit to this listing: 2/1/2016 (3341 days ago)

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