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Forks of Cypress - Florence AL Real Haunts

  • Jackson Road
  • Florence, AL
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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Completed in 1830, the Forks of Cypress was the main house of a cotton plantation built in Greek Revival style; it was named for its location between Big Cyprus and Little Cyprus Creeks. During the Civil War the building was used as a base camp for Union forces, and it was eventually placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1997, despite having burned to the ground over thirty years earlier on June 6, 1966. Today the only physical remnants of the mansion are the large brick pillars and the base beneath them, but rumor has it there are otherworldly beings still lurking the grounds. Singing and other voices have been heard coming from between the pillars, and some have even seen the apparition of a woman walking the grounds.
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  • Haunted Sightings

    According to legend, there was a family that went off the bridge into the water. All of them drowned in the creek, including a small baby. I've have been on the bridge and have heard a baby crying. Also, there is a white mist that comes off the creek. My grandmother told all of us about the drownings. There is also a light that can be seen in the woods by the plantation. Every night there was a slave that was sent out to check the grounds carrying a lantern. The light that is seen sways back and forth, like it's being carried by someone. I have seen the light on 2 separate occasions.

    Posted 7/25/18

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  • Devil Worshipers

    I was in high school in the late 70's out drinking beer with friends. Us girls got out to relieve ourselves. We walked right up on a circle of devil worshippers chanting around a pentagram with something burning in the middle. Their capes with hoods that were black, one had a red lined hood on. He saw us and screamed, "GET THEM!" My friend and I took off running as they were chasing us. We got back to the car and took off. Scared us to death!

    Posted 10/24/17

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  • My Sightings Tonight

    I was riding by there tonight, and a woman like figure darted in front of the truck and then proceeded to disappear. Also, I seen shadow people walking within the pillars of the forkes, it was cool but creepy at the same time.

    Posted 3/18/17

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Last edit to this listing: 1/16/2016 (3359 days ago)

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