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Sweetwater Mansion - Real Haunts in Florence AL

  • Florence Blvd
  • Florence, AL
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Built by General John Brahan, a veteran of the War of 1812, the Sweetwater Mansion was completed in 1835 and first occupied by Brahan's son-in-law, Robert Patton, who would later become Governor of Alabama. Many stories have been told of ghosts residing in the old plantation house, including one in which a caretaker came downstairs one day to find a casket laid out with a Confederate soldier inside. It is believed the phantom casket and body belonged to one of Patton's sons, who died during the Civil War and whose funeral service was held within the mansion. There have also been reports of shadowy figures, women dressed in 19th century garb, and disembodied whispers. Objects have moved of their own accord, and some have reported hearing the sounds of children laughing and playing when no children have been in the house.
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  • The sorry to burst your bubble

    The overall description of the comment a d its entirety is spot on, I played my entire childhood at the old weeden home and yes the weekend did occupy the home after the original owners. Thus you have weeden school adjacent to the property.i played several years in the old barns and recall the old man who was a caretaker which covered the property at times in his old pickup truck, my grandfather was grady Roberson which was head of the old county rd department and owner of sweetwater trout farm right on sweetwater Avenue. I had one of the best childhoids a kid could ask for....magical rest assured. B. Cooper

    Posted 3/22/25

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  • This was great

    So many scary thihngs happened so much i can never go back eever

    Posted 10/22/24

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  • The boy forever trapped inside Sweetwater Mansion

    My family and I went to Sweetwater Mansion one night to “ghost hunt”. I was taking random pictures. Later on, after I was home going through the shots I’d taken, I noticed one frame that clear as day had a little boy looking out one of the left bottom floor windows.

    Posted 10/12/24

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  • Truth about Sweetwater

    No, this is NOT the Weeden house, so the post from 2018, isn't relevant. Mrs. Jessie passed in the 70's. There is a foundation currently trying to restore and help bring Sweetwater back to it's former glory, they have talked about possibly opening it to paranormal investigators after they have preserved the history of the home and brought the stories back of the family that lived there. We have had such a problem with people trespassing and vandalizing both the home and the graveyard because of trespassing "Ghost hunters" that the graveyard is in bad need of repair and parts of the home are awful, including the windows being broken out. While helping there I have felt watched and seen shadows out of the corner of my eye, but nothing too threatening. I just hope they are able to restore the home back to its' former glory and that no one tries to mess up anything we have started.

    Posted 9/26/24

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    3 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Don't go

    so one night me and my friends it was 6 of us so we was all talking about going to the house as a joke right but come find out the was being for real about so I went and of course I was in the back by my self and I saw black look like a female or male run in front of me so I got sacred and run to the car

    Posted 2/28/24

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    0 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Paranormal Society of Savannah

    Our team is interested in investigating your home. Please let me know if you would be interested in hosting our team. Thank you for your consideration, Kelly Wilson

    Posted 1/29/23

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    1 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Investigation approval

    Hello we are a paranormal investigating group of 3 and we were wondering if we could investigate the sweet water mansion for 8 to 10hours. One night in the first week of january and if so please contact us through email...look us up on youtube as well. Paranormalskepticstv(youtube)

    Posted 12/12/22

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • True or false

    Was it true that there was a lady who lived in Sweetwater mansion who's son went to fight in the civil war and was killed and she had a secret room built in the basement where she kept his corpse?I saw that on Ghost Adventures but it wasn't mentioned anywhere here so

    Posted 1/2/21

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    9 out of 12 found this review helpful

  • Living quarters

    Didn't the caretakers have the entrance of their living quarters to the main house blocked off because of paranormal experiences?

    Posted 12/27/20

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    3 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Really or Fake!

    I am writing a ghost story on this and it seems haunted enough for me. I for one do not belive in ghost or people being able to haunt other people. I don't for one know if this place is actually haunted but if you are in the neighborhood just drive by and look.

    Posted 9/19/19

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    2 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • sorry to burst your bubble but this is not true

    My grandparents were the caretakers of the Weeden sweetwater plantation for the last 20 years of Ms Jessie Weedens life, I went to work with my grandmother from the time I could crawl to the time of Mrs Weedens death in 1976, its anything but haunted I can assure you that while my grandmother and Ms Jessie was living there there were no weird noises, no ghostly apparitions, it was an awesome place that dosent deserve to be called haunted, I have covered every inch of that place and even the crawl spaces where I found many little treasures I shared with ms Jessie and she placed on her desk. It was then a beautiful place the barn was in disrepair as was the building that sat if facing north to the southeast corner of the house. There were goldfish in the fountains and in the concrete water trough in front of the old barn which burned while my grandfather was caretaker from a lightning strike I think, It had a beautiful entrance there was a teardrop shaped flower garden at the end of the entrance which had stepping stones from the north, south, east and west that led to a fountain, then you walked up maybe 5 or 6 steps that led to about a 30-45 ft flat area where a larger waterfountain sat then about 6 steps to the porch. Their were beautiful snowball bushes she had imported from England, trellis of beautiful roses, it needs to be given the dignity it deserves rather than encourage teens to check out the ghost. I would sleep quiet well in that house

    Posted 2/11/18

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    50 out of 63 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 19,596
Last edit to this listing: 1/14/2016 (3361 days ago)

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