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Fort Gaines - Real Dauphin Island Haunted Place

  • 51 Bienville Blvd
  • Dauphin Island, AL
  • 251-861-6992
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Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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Fort Gaines was established in 1821 and is best known for its role in the Battle of Mobile Bay during the Civil War, a Union victory which helped bolster President Lincoln's bid for re-election just three months later. Despite erosion from intense storms in recent years, the site is one of the country's best preserved Civil War-era masonry forts, and according to some the masonry is not all that has lingered over the years. Apparitions, shadowy figures, and other unusual sightings have been reported at the fort, as have cold spots and other strange phenomena.
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    I have gone to Fort Gaines on many occasions I went every year for the Medevil or Renaissance festival usualy held around Halloween every year. My first year there I stayed in the bastion to the right. On Sunday I was packing to leave and I was standing near the window or pass through that looks out to the garden area before you step inside the area. I noticed a figure dressed in white with a black cape on walking past the window 2 times the only problem with that is the window is up high no one can get upthere. The 2nd sighting was to the left of the Fort near the cannon I saw a skinny man very thin looking with a beard looking at me then he vanished. I have seen both of them over the years. I really think the skinny man is Dabney Maury.

    Posted 10/10/24

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  • Heavy feelings of sorrow n distress.

    I have been to fort Gaines 3 times. 1st time 2004 second 2008 last 2018 . All times experienced things but the last my wife her youngest son n i went during late spring. Early may. I walked i believe from the gunnery room , ammo room. We heard walking , some tallking n whispering . A heavy feeling of dread hit me n felt something dark. It was a nice day not many tourists. I have always felt something like souls not a rest n peace since my first visit the last i felt as if sombody or someone was in terrible heartache. I had to leave. I t has changed. But before it was my late fiance n i who went both times before her passing. You can get slight whispers n talkking at low tones i have had others tell me similar experiences. We are from Harrison county orange grove Mississippi.

    Posted 9/14/20

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Last edit to this listing: 1/27/2016 (3331 days ago)

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