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USS Alabama - Real Haunt in Mobile AL

  • 2703 Battleship Parkway
  • Mobile, AL
  • 251-433-2703
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Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds, Real Haunted Museums
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Constructed in 1942, the USS Alabama (BB-60) saw heavy activity during World War II, helping the Allies to win their battle both in Europe and then in Japan. After running many successful missions, the battleship was decommissioned on January 9, 1947. Eight years later, the "Mighty A" was opened to the public as a museum ship and would later be declared a National Historic Landmark in 1986. The USS Alabama is certainly worth a visit for its historical significance alone, but rumor has it that the ship also has a paranormal connection. Some visitors say they have heard strange voices onboard, and witnessed hatches slamming shut all on their own! Email Haunt
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  • Definitely the most odd thing I’ve seen

    When I was in scouts we went to the ship and we had to sleep over in the bunk corridors, when everyone went to sleep I couldn’t because mind you I was 8 years old and away from home lol. Later that night I remember looking over and seeing a figure of a man with a grayish cast shadowing over him standing there near the bunk to my left then I saw 2 others walk over to him and the first guy started doing what looked like smoking, at this point it was clear that I wasn’t imagining things. The next morning everyone tried to convince me I was dreaming or seeing things that weren’t there but I know deep down that I wasn’t dreaming or imagining to this day I still think about it and get chills the only one to ever believe me was my father who was on the ship sleeping on the bunk directly under mine who also got no sleep that night he said he felt weird vibes on it also.

    Posted 7/21/23

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  • Creepy

    So I slept there for scouts. It was normal until at night, I had a nightmare about my ferret poking his hand halfway through my skin. But the weird think was that I actually felt the pain. In the morning I told my friend about it, she said it because something was actually poking me or touching me. But there was nothing in that spot. To this day I've been wondering what was touching me. Was it a ghost?

    Posted 6/20/23

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  • sensitive child

    I went when I was a little girl. I didn't know anything about ghost and haunts except for Halloween... I tell you this , the moment I stepped foot on the battle ship I felt nothing but fear . I couldn't shake it off. I didn't tell no one. Was to scared to go in the submarine.

    Posted 9/21/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • it was weird

    I didn’t experience any paranormal stuff like things moving out of place & etc, but I did feel pressure at certain times, especially when we got to the jail part of the boat, I got goosebumps, I as well did hear noises but I ignored them thinking it was just other people on the boat as well

    Posted 7/10/18

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • cool

    Awesome this thing was the best

    Posted 6/5/17

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  • It was creepy

    First of all, I've visited this place a million times. One time after I went below deck after just boarding the museum ship, I heard gunshots. And I mean loud exremely real like gunshots from outside. I also heard men yelling unrecognizable words, one I could make out was fire! I reacted by dropping to the floor and covering my ears. My dad looked at me like I was crazy, and by that time, the noise stopped. I asked if he heard the guns and his eyes widened and he said no. I then ran up the stairs to the outside deck. All I saw was tourists and visitors walking around. I was the only one that heard it. It scared me bad. (I actually still visit the place all the time)

    Posted 3/20/17

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/16/2016 (3357 days ago)

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