Kali Oka Plantation / Oak Grove Plantation - Saraland AL Real Haunts

- Oak Grove Road
- Saraland, AL
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- Real Haunted Houses
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A third version of the story alleges that the man was actually kept as the woman's bodyguard and still remains behind to protect her. There are also some tellings of the story in which the woman gave birth to a child who was quickly drowned in the river. According to these stories the bridge on Kali Oka Road is still haunted by the child, and its screams and cries can be heard to this day, making it one of several supposed "Cry Baby Bridges" in Alabama.
- Kate Shepard House B&B14.7 miles away
- Battle House Renaissance Hotel15.0 miles away
- Boyington Oak at Church Street Cemetery15.2 miles away
- Malaga Inn15.2 miles away
- Fort Conde Inn15.3 miles away
- USS Alabama16.5 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesHundred percent
Just went there recently tonight managed to catch several several orb like photos and almost a misty like apparition heard strange animal sounds to animals that would never be native to hear. EVP session called something weird almost if it was like a whip being cracked. Definitely really eerie even the spirit box was telling us to leave
Posted 9/22/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
Creepy not haunted
Creepy at night but not haunted at all as a professional ghost ?? hunter this one let me down but check it out at night for a creepy view with water no baby cried.
Posted 9/3/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
Not haunted at all
Scary at all not haunted but creepy at night I been a ghost hunter for years nothing but creepy but no ghost so hope this review helps.
Posted 9/3/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
We call it Scaryland for a reason...
I grew up in Saraland. Had friends as a kid that lived off Kali Oka Rd just before Dead Mans curve and i would hangout/stay over. We've heard many stories of the bridge. The mansion was called the Plantation off a dirt road where a Railroad once ran through. Stories we were told were about a woman throwing her baby over the bridge and at night crossing over you can hear a baby crying. One night back when I was 24 in the Spring of 2013 me and some friends decided to see for ourselves if we can see or hear anything. The place has always been eerie. This night it was a stary clear and crisp night with temps in the 50s. About the time we passed Deadmans curve heading to the bridge it did suddenly get slightly foggy. We stopped on the bridge and turned off the lights on the vehicle. I didn't hear anything or see anything so we pulled off to the side of the road. I pulled out my phone and took some pics with the flash on. In only 1 photo I caught a single orb in motion as I snapped the Pic. I haven't been able to debunk if it was a spirit or just a bug flying by but it was strange. There were no other things flying by in any other pics either. I didn't have any type of monitor or anything so I didn't actually hear anything though it would be awesome to get back with equipment but just in all the place is just eerie and quiet. We also drove up and past the plantation but didn't get out to investigate but the place all around is strange. You also need to watch out for Black bears
Posted 8/21/233 out of 3 found this review helpful
Family is from Cintronelle
My dad worked on a film filmed there (Dead Birds 2004) when I was a baby, and they have to work with historians when filming at locations like that. And they were told the man can also be seen hanging and the story is: The owner of the plantation was a doctor during the Civil War, and the man was technically his grandson. His eldest daughter had a stillborn around the time an enslaved woman died in childbirth so she "adopted" him. The wife of the doctor, was pregnant and on her way to a Christmas Party on Mobile when her carriage slid on the then log bridge. She was found later dying in the river asking where her baby was. The wife died soon after. The second oldest daughter believed she heard crying of the baby in the forest near the river, she investigated and froze to death in the mid-winter night in only her nightgown. People see her wondering the forest in search of the baby. The youngest, a small child one of the most spotted spirits, believed she saw her sister in the forest across the road. She ran to her and wasn't looking at the road, she was trampled by donkey pulling logs. People see her run into the road and then look to your vehicle startled as you run through her spirit. The civil war, most doctors homes became hospitals at the time and the doctor would take anyone and everyone alive from the battlefield. Which means Union and Confederate soldiers. One night a group of Union Soldiers barged into the home and killed the Confederate soldiers in their sick beds. (War y'know) but then they search the home for any soldiers that could be hiding. They find the eldest daughter and her son hiding. They accuse them of having an affair and they hang him from the properties barn. For hiding with his mom. Its believed you will either see him wandering the property or hanging from the barn. It's believed the soldiers spirits also dwell inside the home where they died. I, as well as others, have noticed if you mention the Kali Oka and Oak Grove while driving within 5 miles either direction at night, the road will engulf in fog, denser the closer. It's hard to see, and if you open the windows you will occasionally smell rotting flesh. I've been freaked out by that place my whole life. My mother while visiting the set of the film went from not believing in ghosted to believing when the young girl ran into the road. My father saw the adopted son and was messed with by soldiers. Others in the film also saw the son and some saw the second oldest. Weird place.
Posted 8/8/234 out of 4 found this review helpful
they call it Scaryland for this very reason.
Posted 7/9/232 out of 2 found this review helpful
Davis mansions and sawmill, not plantation.
Many assume that this is the Kalioka or Oak Grove plantation. It is actually the Davis brothers two mansions for the nearby sawmill that was in operation till the 1930s. Once owned by Springhill College (Mobile), there were used as retreats. They are now in private hands. Drive by and enjoy from the road. Watch out for bear and dear (and the occasional UFO). The nearby haunted place is Cry Baby Bridge (originally over Maggie Creek, closer to HWY 45), the current Cry Baby is the Chickasaw Creek bridge (just past Oak Grove Road). The unofficial swimming area there is Bear Butt Beach or Buzzard’s Roost). I grew up in the area :)
Posted 2/21/216 out of 6 found this review helpful
Grew up in Saraland
I grew up down the road from the Old Kali Oka plantation. As kids we would go explore and test our mettle on these sights. This place is for real and still scares me today some 30 years later!!!
Posted 12/7/208 out of 8 found this review helpful
So me and some in laws at the time went and investigated cry baby bridge 3 years ago. We heard that if you put baby powder on your hood and walk away, a handprint and a babys hand print appears. We were skeptical but gave it a go. We stopped on the bridge, put the baby powder on the hood and walked away. This car had just been washed and detailed so no prints were on it btw. We took pics of the creek under it, and walked along side of the bridge and all of a sudden heard a scream and what sounded like a baby cry. Middle of the summer and ice cold chills went straight thru us. We stopped and ran back to the car. I started snapping pics before anyone got close to it and there were TWO handprints. Both baby size and what looked to be a bigger print where someone or something tried to grab the hood but their hand slid sideways. We immediately left. Got back home and i started looking at pics. Sure enough when i took that last pic of the car there was a figure standing right beside it. It scared us all
Posted 7/18/2011 out of 11 found this review helpful
Is it okay if I go
Is it scary
Posted 6/27/204 out of 4 found this review helpful
live in Saraland all of my life
For anybody who is a skeptic I grew up in Saraland hearing the stories me and my friends have seen all kind of stuff out there from Indians civil war soldiers we've heard hellhounds this is not a place for the faint of heart and don't go out there pedaling if you ain't a believer if you go to the spot you will be in a come a believer in the paranormal and the stories are real!
Posted 4/27/206 out of 6 found this review helpful
Prepare to leave!
Thanksgiving night 2019, My boyfriend and I decided to explore the bridge after reading the story. He was using an emf meter (which was giving of very high readings) and I was using a streaming spirit box and recorder. I have used the device in the past with no conclusive results so imagine my surprise when I got immediate responses to several questions/comments. I remarked about the sadness of the tragic story and heard "it was violent", very clearly. A few minutes later I said something about passing along the tale and was told, "I'm used to it". Walking along the bridge I got a few more unintelligible messages. I stopped the recording to regroup and take a few pics but began recording again within a few minutes. Upon asking if there were anymore messages to be shared, I was told "prepare to leave", which we promptly did! I kept the device recording while we put on our helmets (we were on a motorcycle)and continued to record for a few more minutes. When I reviewed the entire session I heard "I died", "not worthy", "bye" and "died out". This was a very active, but short investigation!
Posted 12/1/196 out of 6 found this review helpful
Several experiences ...
As a teenager this was always my favorite place to take "out of towners" and non belivers,lol. On one such trip, I drive just beyond Cry Baby bridge and stop my car. Upon exiting , only the sound of crickets ....then silence. Wales of a baby began and grew louder.....needless to say,we loaded the car in record time.
Posted 11/23/176 out of 6 found this review helpful
I lived about 10 minutes away....
I've been to this house. When it was vacant and abandoned. I did not see anything but yes I felt things, like ice cold air all around my body in the heat of summer. You can literally feel the energy in the land itself. Strange noises within the house as well. There was also a low budget film shot there not long after this called "Dead Birds". The actors said they heard footsteps following them in the evening. They refused to stay on set longer than they had to because of the paranormal activity.
Posted 8/21/177 out of 7 found this review helpful
Must read !
I was with my brother in law while we were driving across the bridge and he decides it would be funny to leave me ! He puts me out and leaves . A few minutes later I started to hear foot prints ! I freaked out and decided to start towards wear he had drove ! Then a car came but passed I was scared ! When all of a sudden there was a woman facing me about 10 feet away I was terrified !
Posted 5/21/1612 out of 16 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 2/27/2021 (1488 days ago)